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Sketch of Samuel A. and William J. Johnston

from: “Sketches of Prominent Citizens of 1876” a sequel to “Early Reminiscences of Indianapolis” by John H. B. Nowland
<br>Published by Tilford & Carlton 1877

Samuel A. and William J. Johnston

Samuel A. Johnston was born of the 22nd of June 1835, in Johnson county Indiana. On the  14th of February (Valentine day), 1865, he was married to Miss  Estelle Pullis of St. Louis  Missouri.

William J. Johnston, brother of Samuel A., was born on the Johnston farm, one and a half miles south of Indianapolis, on the 1st of April 1837. He received his education at Pendleton Academy and in the Indianapolis schools. He was married to the  eldest daughter of the Rev. F. P. Cummins, of Laporte, Indiana. In 1851 he  engaged in the stove business with the Munson brothers, and has been engaged in the same place and business now for over twenty-six years, and is now with his brother, the firm being Johnston Brothers. They are extensively engaged in the manufacture of galvanized iron work and slate roofing. Their trade extends over the entire west – they furnished and galvanized  iron work for the insane asylum at Lincoln, Nebraska. Their work has given satisfaction in every instance; this is quite a compliment to their establishment, coming as it does in direct competition with similar houses of the kind in surrounding cities. Mr. Johnston bought an interest of Messr. Munson in 1859, and the firm for some time was known as Munson, Johnston & Co. .In 1870 Johnston Brothers bought the entire establishment and added to the stove and tinware the manufacturing of galvanized iron work and slate roofing. They are now the largest wholesale and retail establishment of the kind in Indiana; their sales now reach two hundred thousand dollars per year and are steadily increasing.

See also: “Memoir of Samuel A. Johnston

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